
Privacy Policy

Mason City Motor Speedway understands how valuable privacy is to our members and site visitors. This Privacy Policy explains how Mason City Motor Speedway collects and uses personal information and how you can make your privacy preferences known.

Which sites are covered by this privacy policy?

This privacy policy applies to www.masoncitymotorspeedway.com.

What personal information do we collect?

Accessing content on www.masoncitymotorspeedway.com
You can access our website’s home page and browse all of our content without disclosing personal information.

We collect only non-personal information such as your computer’s IP address, your domain name, your operating system and your browser. This information is used to evaluate how you and other visitors use the Mason City Motor Speedway website and is not used to track your name, e-mail address or other personal data.

Personal information we collect
If you choose to join the Mason City Motor Speedway email list, we will ask for personal information, including your name, e-mail address and various non-required data and preferences. This information is used for correspondence and, if you instruct us to, may be used to contact you regarding certain other benefits or products of Mason City Motor Speedway.

We may also ask for personal information when you participate in other activities on the Mason City Motor Speedway website, including online shopping and our e-mail newsletter.

Children’s privacy
Mason City Motor Speedway realizes that children may visit and use the Mason City Motor Speedway website. Therefore, we encourage parents, guardians and teachers to monitor children’s use of the Internet. Children should always get permission from their parents before sending any personal information about themselves over the Internet, to us or anyone else.

Use of cookies
We may use cookies to recognize you and your access privileges for our members-only content, to record votes for our online polls and other activity. We may also use cookies to collect anonymous traffic data to evaluate how you and other visitors use the Mason City Motor Speedway website. We do not use cookies to collect personal information. You can set your browser so that it will not accept cookies. Doing so, however, may prohibit you from accessing certain features of the website. You can use your browser’s help feature to learn more about disabling cookies.

Third-party advertising
We partner with Google AdSense, DoubleClick for Publishers and may partner with other reputable ad server companies.

The masoncitymotorspeedway.com website uses display advertising, with Google Analytics for Display Advertising and Remarketing with Google Analytics to advertise online. Third-party vendors, including Google, show ads on websites across the Internet. The Mason City Motor Speedway website and third-party vendors, including Google, use first-party cookies (such as the Google Analytics cookie) and third-party cookies (such as the DoubleClick cookie) together to inform, optimize and serve ads based on a person's past visits to the Mason City Motor Speedway website.

You may opt-out of Google Analytics for Display Advertising and customize Google Display Network ads using the Ads Preferences Manager.

You may also visit the Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on.

Linked sites
Mason City Motor Speedway is not responsible for the content or privacy policies of websites to which it may link.

Non-US customer information
The Mason City Motor Speedway website is located in the United States and Mason City Motor Speedway collects, stores and processes your personal information in the United States. The United States may not offer a level of privacy protection for your personal information as great as is offered in the country in which you live.

How do we use your personal information?

Our primary purpose in using personal information we collect is to provide service for your Mason City Motor Speedway membership activities and provide you with products and services you request, such as purchases, e-mail newsletters and access to members-only content on our website.

On occasion, if you instruct us to, we may also use your membership information to send you information about special offers, benefits and services provided by Mason City Motor Speedway and its affiliates. If you do not wish to receive this information, please let us know by e-mailing us through our contact form.

Opting out
You can tell us if you do not want to receive information and offers from Mason City Motor Speedway and its affiliates, other organizations or both by e-mailing us thropugh our contact form.

E-mail policy
Mason City Motor Speedway does not send unsolicited e-mails. If you have elected to receive one of our e-mail newsletters and do not wish to continue receiving it, simply unsubscribe using the instructions provided in the e-mail.

Security of personal and payment information

When we transfer and receive certain types of sensitive information such as financial information, we redirect you to a secure server running SSL encryption technology. We also have appropriate security measures in place in our physical facilities to protect against the loss, misuse or alteration of information that we have collected from you at our site.

How to contact us

We can be reached via e-mail through our contact form.

Future changes
From time to time, we may use customer information for new, unanticipated uses not previously disclosed in our privacy notice. If our information practices change at some time in the future, we will post those changes here.


Browser – A program that allows a user to find, view, hear and interact with material on the World Wide Web. Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Internet Explorer are examples of popular browsers.

Cookies – Small text files that websites place in your computer to help your browser remember specific information. The Mason City Motor Speedway sites use cookies to record whether you have voted in one of our online polls and to verify that you are signed in to our members-only area.

IP Address – A unique number that specifically identifies each individual computer on the Internet. Depending on how your computer is connected to the Internet, it can either be a fixed set of numbers, or it can change each time you connect to your network or Internet service provider.

SSL – Secured Sockets Layer is a protocol that transmits your communications over the Internet in an encrypted form. SSL ensures that the information is sent, unchanged, only to the server you intended to send it to.